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Металопрофіль та Металочерепиця ТМ Преміум статті < Назад до статтей

  • Authors: Authors can be selected easily with ACF and they can be passed to the WP_Query class pretty easily so why not? We’ll need to use the User field type and allow multiple authors to be selected.
  • Categories: Using the Taxonomy field type we can let users select multiple categories. In this example we will not be handling tags or custom taxonomies. For best results we would need to use a taxonomy query which is a bit more difficult to assemble and would really need a repeater field which is a premium addon.
  • Category Include/Exclude: By adding a Radio Button field we can
  • Post Status: By creating a custom Checkbox section where users can set the status of posts they would like to show we can offer the opportunity of showing upcoming posts or drafts.
  • Post Type: Another Checkbox section would allow users to set the post type to show. This would allow the listing of pages or any other custom post type
  • Posts Per Page: This Number field would let the user choose how many posts to show. If we allow -1 we can ensure that users can list all posts on one page.
  • Order By: A custom Select field gives uses the option to set the ordering of posts
  • Order: A simple Radio Button field gives allows for the control of the order direction.
  • Has Featured Image: This option would be a simple Radio Button. It would translation to a mets query which would restrict posts to ones with featured images if checked.